Please read to the bottom of this page and click on CONTINUE ENROLLMENT. If you have any questions, please call us at (415) 499-1024. Thank you.
Enrollment Process for IHSS Care Providers in Marin County
State law requires that all In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Care Providers go through an enrollment process and pass a background check from the Department of Justice (DOJ) to be eligible for payment from the IHSS program.
To enroll as an IHSS Care Provider you must complete three (3) steps:
1. Visit the Enrollment website by clicking on the “Continue to Enrollment” icon at the bottom of this page. At this website you will:
- Fill in the personal information
- Watch the mandatory enrollment videos
- Pick an available date to come to the IHSS Public Authority Office to attend an enrollment appointment
→ Enrollment appointments & union presentations in English are on Wednesdays at 11:00 am. Please arrive 10-15 min. before 11:00am. The duration of the appointment will be 60-90 min. approx.
→ Enrollment appointments & union presentations in Spanish are on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 1:30 pm. Please arrive 10-15 min. before 1:30pm. The duration of the appointment will be 60-90 min. approx.
→ Please have your social security card and government-issued ID ready. Photocopies or expired documents will NOT be accepted
→ Please, no children and no pets allowed.
2. Go to the IHSS Public Authority office on the date and time you have confirmed on the enrollment website.
- Bring your original Social Security card (IMPORTANT: If your SS card has any of the following statements “NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT” “VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH INS AUTHORIZATION” “VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION” (see image below), please bring your work permit, green card, etc. with you.)
- Bring your current valid Driver’s License or U.S. Government issued photo ID

3. You will be given a Request for Live Scan Service form and a list of authorized vendors to get fingerprinted
- Once cleared by the DOJ, payroll takes approximately 10 days to assign a provider ID number. You may call/email payroll at 415-473-7487; HHSIHSS@marincounty.org to get your provider ID number.
- Once a provider ID number has been assigned, you must register for an Electronic Time Sheet account at https://www.etimesheets.ihss.ca.gov/login
(Click the “Start” icon with the green flag to start your enrollment process)